“Citizen Kane.” SparkNotes: The Most Popular Study Guides. 2015 SparkNotes, LLC.. 30 March. Web. 6 April 2015. <http://www.sparknotes.com/film/citizenkane/>

“The Yellow Kid.” Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. 7 April 2015. Web 8 April 2015 <http://wikipedia.org/wiki/theyellowkid>

“Modern Day Yellow Journalism.” The Politic: Yellow Journalism of the 21st. Century. 31 March 2015. Web 7 April 2015. <http://thepolitic.org/yellow-journalism-of-the-21st-century/>

Kimberly’s Reflections

I enjoyed this project, the researching of the topic “yellow journalism’ was very interesting. I enjoy writing and making blogs but never used WordPress before. I learned a lot of history with other interesting facts all around and how much the past has influenced the future. But because of such gap between dates I had a tough time finding out three post that wouldn’t be the same.

The Funny Papers

Featured image

In 1896, General Weyler of Spain implemented the first wave of the Spanish “Reconcentracion Policy” that sent thousands of Cubans into concentration camps.— powayusd.sdcoe.k12.ca.us

“The Yellow Kid” was the first to create yellow journalism in cartoon strip, by Richard Frank Outcault was ran from 1895 from 1898. “Yellow Kid” named Mickey Dugan was created from areas and culture of life in the slums of New York called Hogan’s Alley. The cartoon also created a balloon style comics for the future. “The Yellow Kid” was to create a medium of racial tension, to depict situation if you were to living in the ghetto. “Yellow Kid” was not just a character but a route for yellow journalism. Richard F. Outcault became widely known while under Pulitzer but was hired away to the New York Journal and was hired under William Randolph Hearst. Soon after it created conflict with America and Spain in which they battled. With the newspapers deciding over Cuba instead of Spain the American- Spain war was on front page of newspapers.

Seanjalise’s Reflection

Doing this type of project has helped me get better at working on blogs. Also i  have got a better understanding as to what Yellow Journalism is and how today’s yellow journalism is similar. I always see magazines in the grocery store or target with huge headlines and false stories about celebrities and i didn’t know that it was called yellow journalism. I always wondered why people came out with those type of magazines. I’ve learned a lot doing research on yellow journalism. I liked my group members even though we all have a busy schedule but we made it work.

Joanna’s Reflection

I enjoyed doing this project. I had never used WordPress before and it was a great experience.  Researching “Yellow Journalism” was interesting because it really helped me get a better understanding of where tabloids today got their influence from. Also this topic is fun because I have always known that their are negative stereotypes for journalists, but I never knew why or where they came from. During my research I finally found the reasoning and explanations behind those stereotypes. Overall I had no issues with my group and even though we did not meet often we communicated very well.

Study Questions

1. Who was R.F Outcault and what did he create?

2. Which newspaper belonged to Joseph Pulitzer?

3. Who inherited the San Francisco Examiner from their father?

4. Who is influenced the name of “Yellow Journalism”?

5. Explain how the feud between Hearst and Pulitzer helped create “Yellow Journalism.”

6. What begun the Spanish-American War?

7. How has “Yellow Journalism” influenced today’s journalism?

8. Whose life was the film Citizen Kane based off of?

9. Which readers did both the Hearst and Pulitzer wish to address in their newspapers?

10. What is an example of “Yellow Journalism”?

11. Who is Mickey Dugan and what did he represent?

Richard Felton Outcault

richardR.F. Outcault (1863-1928)

Richard Outcault is an important part of “Yellow Journalism.” He was born in Ohio and later moved to Cincinnati to attend the McMicken University’s School of Design. Outcault was first hired by Pulitzer with New York World where he was the cartoonist and created Hogan’s Alley. Later he left to the New York Journal with Hearst and created “The Yellow Kid.” In theory, Outcault ignited the feud between Hearst and Pulitzer. They both fought for him or specifically for their circulation. With the help of Outcault “Yellow Journalism” became more than sensational stories it was also known for it’s incredible comics that depicted common man issues as well as political issues. Let’s not forgot that Outcault’s comic “The Yellow Kid” is also responsible for the title of “Yellow Journalism.”

yellow Journalism Jeopardy

IMG_1810our game is like Jeopardy you chose a category and then chose 5,10, 15 or 20. The goal is to win as many points by answering as many questions as possible. If you answer incorrectly you lose points and if you don’t have any points you have a negative number like (-50). The winner of the game is determined by the player with the most points at the end of the game.

Game Q&A

Yellow Journalism

  1. What is yellow journalism?

–  A style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts

2. What century was yellow journalism created in?

– 19th Century

3. What was yellow journalism known for?

-comic strips and misleading head lines

  1. Is it true or false did yellow journalism help push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines?


Important Figures

1. Who are the founders of yellow journalism?

– William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer

2. Who was the first to publish a comic in color?

– Joseph Pulitzer

3. Who purchased the New York journal?

– William Randolph Hearst

4. The cartoonist who created Hogan’s Alley and The Yellow Kid?

– Richard Outcault

Important Facts

1) Is yellow journalism known for using faked interviews? True or False?


2) There was no battle over the yellow kid.

– False statement

3) Did the rise of yellow journalism cause the war?


4)  Is it true or false that at first yellow journalism had nothing to do with reporting? If true what was it about?

– True and instead derived from a popular cartoon strip about life in New York’s slums called Hogan’s Alley.

Today’s Journalism

1) What is modern day yellow journalism being used in?

-it is being used in Tabloids today

2) Who do tabloids expose?

– Tabloids expose Famous and political people

3) How is Tabloids and Yellow Journalism the same?

– They both use big bright letters and intriguing head lines

4) Is it true or false? Tabloids do not use false interviews.

-False tabloids do use false interviews


Joseph Pulitzer


Founder of “Yellow Journalism” (1847-1911)

Joseph Pulitzer, another founder of “Yellow Journalism”, was actually Hungarian-born. He traveled from Hungary to Boston where he then moved to New York. When Pulitzer acquired enough money he was able to purchase the New York World. Pulitzer was the first to publish a comic in color which was the famous Yellow Kid. This gained his newspaper huge circulation and so the war between him and Hearst began. They are the founders of “Yellow Journalism” because without their need to outdo each other they gave birth to a new form of journalism. They created entertainment, shared views with the common man, and a new culture.

Seanjalise’s Bio

IMG_5299Hello my name is Seanjalise i am a student at Cerritos College my major is communications I’m planing to transfer to Cal State Long Beach and one day I want to become a broadcast journalist. my dream jobs is to become a T.V talk show host and Radio Personality. I like to watch movies, reality t.v and listen to music. I love shopping and staying up to-date with the latest fashion. I like to spend time with Family and friends and have fun and live my life to the fullest.