The Funny Papers

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In 1896, General Weyler of Spain implemented the first wave of the Spanish “Reconcentracion Policy” that sent thousands of Cubans into concentration camps.—

“The Yellow Kid” was the first to create yellow journalism in cartoon strip, by Richard Frank Outcault was ran from 1895 from 1898. “Yellow Kid” named Mickey Dugan was created from areas and culture of life in the slums of New York called Hogan’s Alley. The cartoon also created a balloon style comics for the future. “The Yellow Kid” was to create a medium of racial tension, to depict situation if you were to living in the ghetto. “Yellow Kid” was not just a character but a route for yellow journalism. Richard F. Outcault became widely known while under Pulitzer but was hired away to the New York Journal and was hired under William Randolph Hearst. Soon after it created conflict with America and Spain in which they battled. With the newspapers deciding over Cuba instead of Spain the American- Spain war was on front page of newspapers.

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